Monday, May 1, 2023

The Marvels of May

 As I sit at my desk today on May 1st, the view is a soggy backyard. We have had days of grey skies and lots of rain, but I seen the green grass emerging and I am grateful for the beauty of this day.  It seems like we just blinked and the calendar pages have turned so quickly.

May always comes bringing promises of blooms and colour. I look forward to the emerging garden and the quiet work it brings. I want to take some time to thank all of my students who have been journeying with me for long term classes as well as continuing to take new or repeated courses. I am also continuing with private students and we get to explore territory that is so specialized and tailored to each student. The African Daisy sketch above was requested by a private student. I had to locate a specimen at the garden centre and then figure out a simple way to try to teach it. We could only progress so far in the lesson but felt so good to try something a bit different. I don't think I had ever noticed an African Daisy before. With each study that I do, I feel like I take a deeper look at nature and come away more appreciative.  I feel so blessed to accompany each student and watch as new skills emerge for each one of them. 

 I just completed the April session of the Flourishing Club at Ardington school and I am thrilled to see the work that the students are producing. April focused on floral roundels. They are easy to do. The design principle is repetition. You can start with a simple floral outline and then decide what elements you wish to repeat around the roundel. You can try one of these simple outlines. I would love to see your work if you do give this a try.

Whether the designs use a loose floral technique or a more pointed pen etched floral, the results are often surprising and very addictive.

 More fun is in store for the Flourishing Club for May, June and July if you are interested in joining the community. The course is currently sold out, but you can still register your interest in the class and we can see about opening a few extra spaces. We really did not know what to expect when we started the club and it is wonderful to see it grow. The other May class I have will be The Alphabet Garden Peacock Edition through the Gentle Penman. I am completing the course notes this week and I look forward to seeing the fanciful designs emerge on the pages. For sure, these designs are more complex than my usual Alphabet Garden class but I think I have found a way to break down the steps into easy components. At any rate, there is always joy as we learn together and I hope these techniques will enhance your skills. 

Finally, this Saturday I will begin my final offering of Italian Hand for 2023. This course is hosted by The Art of Letters in Singapore and will be kept very small. If you want to be introduced to the delicate grace of Italian Hand, registration info is available online. 

I hope this month is bright and cheerful for you. Enjoy each stage of the changing season. As I complete this blog post, the rain has stopped and the sun has broken through. Time is so precious and things can change quickly. I want you to know how much I appreciate your kindness and support. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing with the work of your hands, I am cheering you on and sending you a grateful hug. I hope May is full of marvels for you.

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