Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Music Of Spring

 Yesterday morning was grey, and filled with sleet and ice pellets. There were still mounds of snow in my backyard. This morning, on April 1st, it is as if a switch has been turned on. The grass is green. The music of robins and cardinals is playing in the backyard and I can see squirrels and rabbits bouncing playfully. What a difference a day can make. And how welcome is this blue sky and bright sunshine. I love this season.  I will try to take my eleven o'clock tea time with my book on a the porch rocking chair. I don't take one moment of this brief season for granted. It really is my favourite season.  I will be using soft, gentle colours in my palette as I work in my studio. 
This month, I will be teaching a Master Class in Italian Hand through the EPPC online. This will be running from April until September. It is a slow study method and presented to a small group of students. We have a single opening for the class if you are interested. You can email me directly with questions if you are thinking about it. Consider this to be an Extended Play edition of the course. I am still completing the extensive course notes and discovering so many nuances along the way.  I will be gleaning from George Shelley, John Ayres, Joseph Champion and George Bickham as well as others. Somewhere between all of these influences, I have found my own own hand and the joy of Italian Hand. Although this is called a Master Class, this hand still has distinct mysteries for me and I hope to explore them together with you. We will be of course, finding ways to incorporate flourishes and compose calligraphic work with this playful hand.

Victorian Frames and Labels will be presented in May through Ardington online. This has been such a delicate skill to learn and I have found this pointed pen etching technique to be so helpful for cards and envelopes. The class evolved out of a single Victorian card that I found during the pandemic. This pointed pen etching technique is easier to learn than offhand flourishing and the results can be so surprising and inspiring. 

More upcoming classes are listed on here for you on my page. There are lots of classes coming up  if you are interested. It is always such a joy to accompany students on their journey and I never take these teaching opportunities for granted. You are such a blessing to me. The rest of April will be a bit of a sabbatical for me. I will be catching up on some very special commissions and painting pen orders. When I enjoy a cup of  tea at 11:00 AM each day. I take time to pause and reflect on the joy that you have brought to me as students and friends. Appreciate each day my dear friends. Take time enjoy the work of your hands. I hope you have a beautiful April. Sending bright Spring hugs all around. 

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