Monday, October 4, 2021

The Suddenly Season

It is already the first week of October. Suddenly the autumn season is surrounding me. The sights, sounds and fragrances in the air are so different than just a few short weeks ago.

 I was up early on the weekend and sat on the studio porch watching streams of leaves fall in the the neighbour's back yard. Seasonal changes happen so quickly. I am enjoying pumpkin spice teas and festive colours as I flourish here at my studio desk.

I am grateful for this work and for all of my beautiful students. I have been so encouraged to see the work you have done and I hope that you find the time spent with pen and ink to be peaceful and meditative. Between now and the end of the year I will be teaching quite a few classes. Several guilds have me on their schedule starting with the Michigan Association of Calligraphers this coming weekend. I will be presenting The Festive Flourish course which was my first holiday themed flourishing class designed around cookie cutter shapes!
I know this season will advance quickly. Here at my desk I always have to work a season or two ahead to prepare for classes and students. But I am trying hard to appreciate the delights and magic that each season brings. I think Thoreau's quote is so fitting at this time of year." Live in each season as it passes, breathe the air, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth." There are so many layers of contemplation in that  quote for me and I think of it as I watch this season emerge. From my studio desk to yours, I hope you find wonder in this season and joy in the work you do each day. I am so grateful for each of you!

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