Monday, October 18, 2021

Coming Up!!!

 I hope you are enjoying a beautiful autumn day. Here in Ontario, it feels quite cool but the skies are bright blue. The chickadees, cardinals, bluejays and nuthatches have been busy at feeders and continue to inspire.This past weekend I was able to teach via Zoom for The Friends of the Alphabet in Atlanta. I was thrilled to be able to present my Alphabet Garden course slowly. I had two full days with the group so we could draw, ink, gild and paint the letters together in real time. I did not have to rush the process. The students created stunning and inspiring work. I was able to present both the inlay and overlay painting methods for my students and I was thrilled to have this relaxed pace. This class really had the feel of an in person workshop as I could review their work via email and offer feedback. This initial was painted with two colours using Small Blue and Sap green.

The R was painted with Quinacridone Gold, Transparent Orange, Sap Green and Burnt Sienna.
These small project studies allow the students to explore so many skills and become comfortable with techniques that can enhance their calligraphic work for years to come. It is such a delight as an instructor to watch skills blossom and come to life. 
I will be doing a one day presentation of the Alphabet Garden for the Calligraphic Arts Guild of Toronto this coming Saturday. Once again, I will be able to work slowly on the letter in real time. The registration info is on the website
I also wanted to share an exciting online holiday lettering event through Texas Lettering Arts. There will be 8 hours of free instruction online.  I was thrilled to participate in this event and love that this guild has offered so much free content to people. This guild hosted the first online Zoom event that I attended during the height of the pandemic and I felt like they turned a light on for so many of us during such a difficult time.   I have created a holiday star demonstration for the event and I hope you will enjoy it! I love being able to give back to this wonderful community of lettering artists and I hope it is a blessing to you as we enter the festive season.

Texas Lettering Arts also hosted the International Calligraphy Conference online this year. The recordings for each of the presentations are available for purchase if you want to see what was presented at the conference in July. 
Finally, I want to give you a sneak peek at a very special piece I am working on for my Mom who will be turning 80. I still have quite a bit of work to do but this is a labour of love for me. I still have work to do on the birds and then need to decide on how to proceed with the filigree work. Hopefully you will enjoy seeing this process picture. Still several more hours of work to go!

I hope this week brings you so much joy. Do something that you love!! Sending hugs all around. 

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