Saturday, February 1, 2025

Take Heart!

 Welcome February! This month always gives me a glimmer of hope that Spring will come, no matter how dark the winter has been. Yesterday we had a brief thaw before several more inches of snow came our way. The view from my window this morning is gorgeous.

 February can warm up quickly or bring in blasts of arctic air to remind us that winter is still hanging on. Whatever happens, Spring will follow and I know I will be back in my garden chair and spending more time outdoors. I do need to be patient though. Every season takes its own time and will not be rushed. Despite the cold, I have enjoyed reading this winter. My bookshelves are full and I have a wonderful library here in my studio to explore. I have been reaching for fiction along with my study books. I am reading through The Wind in The Willows and enjoying the gorgeous artwork of Charles Van Sandwyk as well as the charming story.

 I feel like I am along the banks of the river with the characters and taking in all the sights and sounds. The illustrations and the whimsical writing have been transporting me into a a peaceful world as I enjoy the quiet pace of reading. Yesterday they were having a relaxing lunch along the riverbank and finds them in sudden peril in a wintery Wild Woods. It is a wonderful story!  I find myself looking forward to this time every morning as I take notes, and really contemplate about what I am reading. It has become a form of meditation for me and my studio time becomes even more productive as I feel so inspired after reading a few pages each day. This winter season has been enriched through this daily practice.

Studies with Beatrix Potter are part of each day's reading. I have read through her letters, her biography and now I am reading various essays about her work and life and how she has influenced others. All of the Potter readings and studying are to prepare me for a class in April through Ardington School. We have had to offer a second class in April because the first class sold out very quickly. If you are interested in joining the class, the registration info is online here. Martin Beek will give a wonderful lecture about Beatrix Potter and I will share the artistic insights I have gleaned into her work as the practical demonstration.  I am currently reading " So Shall I Tell You a Story which has been edited by Judy Taylor. 

The book contains various essays and contributions about the impact of Beatrix Potter. There have been some fascinating insights into her artwork that I had not yet gleaned from other sources. Although she was an amazing artist, she made mistakes like any other person, could feel rushed and overwhelmed and had definite feelings of burn out along the way. Nature steadied her and gave her a sense of purpose and balance. She was so much more than the creator of beautiful animal characters and I think she would continue to be amazed at the reach and impact of her work. I have had the most wonderful time exploring her drawings, pen and ink techniques and her iconic watercolours.

February's classes will start with  Faded Love Letters at Ardington school. Those who know me, understand my love of Victorian letters and typography. There is so much to explore and each time I work with these letters, I discover something new. Although, I have taught this class before, I have expanded the notes in step with my appreciation of the letters.0

 I have been enjoying indulging in these little studies. The letters have an underlying nature of abundant blooms, birds, decorative devices and incredibly inventive styles. They are perfect little letters for the month of February and will make gorgeous Valentines to send through the mail. Despite a huge hike in postal rates here in Canada, I think our friends and loved ones need a little lift of joy these days. These delicate little letters can really lift the spirits of someone who receives them.

Finally, this month, I will also be teaching an introductory course in Italian Hand for the Colleagues of Calligraphy. I will be introducing the class with a lecture on Friday February 13th, before the weekend workshop on the 14th and 15th. Italian Hand remains my most beloved Script hand as I can really be myself and explore creative variations. I recommend it as the first script hand to study because it is less pressurized than English Roundhand and far less rigid than Spencerian. Registration info is online through the Colleagues of Calligraphy here.

Wherever you are as you read this blog post, I hope you are finding joy and can steal some time away from your routine to pursue something peaceful. Take some time to meander along the pages of a fairy tale or put pen to paper with a beautiful flourish or written note. This world needs beauty, a message of hope and the encouragement of friends. Take heart, cheer each other on and create beauty in your corner of the world. Happy February Dear Friends. 

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