Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sweet Silence

 Good Sunday Morning dear friends. This morning I was up early and out in the garden. September is here and the days are cooler after an incredible heatwave. I was taken aback at the silence of the yard. No birds chirping that I could hear, no squirrels chattering and very little ambient noise in the neighbourhood. The calm and peace were so welcoming. I paused and just appreciated the blooms that are still on the rose bush. What a blessing to have a moment of quiet.
I promised to share the new courses I would be launching and the info is now posted online. The upcoming holiday season can easily interrupt our moments of calm, peace, and sweet silence. We can get so caught up in the busyness of the season that we miss the special moments. I always have to think ahead and work on festive designs in advance. If you would like to design your holiday card with me, The Holiday Charmers class is now open for registration.

 I want to focus on the drawn letters and the illustrated mice designs. I will also paint a sweet song bird as well as draw, gild and paint lettering. I will share the techniques for a very soft painting effect that softens the look of dry brush while still maintaining the control and detail.

I will also share why this is one of my most popular ideas that I developed over the years and how incredibly versatile and handy it can be. There is something for all skill levels and I hope to prepare more Merry Mice and Sweet Song Birds as Holiday Charmers to prepare for this class.

The class is in October giving you lots of advance time to prepare for the Festive Season.  I have other upcoming classes online for Autumn but many are sold out. Registration and info for my classes is online here. Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday. Enjoy the calm. Appreciate small details. And do something you love to nourish your soul in this season. Love you all. 

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