Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Savouring the Season
The approach of autumn always makes me pensive. My senses are so aware of the changes in the air, the different sounds of the birds in the backyard and the fading blooms in the garden. This past summer I have been aware of how I spend my time. If you really dive into the meaning of "spending time", you will realize there is a luxury in finding some available moments in each day. I have always been drawn to the wonder and beauty of nature, but with each passing season, I feel as if I can appreciate that beauty a little more deeply. I had a lot of intense time expenditures here in my studio these past few months. I have been working with three mentees through The Art of Letters. Throughout the process I have been able to get to know these wonderful calligraphers as well as fellow mentors Gemma Black and Yukimi Annand. We have worked together for about 6 months now and it has been wonderful to see their ideas come to life and watch them encourage each other. When I stared out in calligraphy, I was fortunate to have two mentors invest in me for several years. To this day, I am not sure why or how this happened but their teaching still comes into my heart as I work and and it comes through my voice when I teach others. Both Michael Sull and Brian Walker have played a huge role in my calligraphic journey. I feel blessed to be able to "pay it forward" and invest in others. We will be having an online interactive exhibit, discussions, and demonstrations September 24th to October 3rd. More information will be coming through The Art of Letters and I will post on my IG account as well. Watch for information about the exhibit called Symbisos II. One of my indulgent time expenditures throughout the end of Spring, Summer and now September, I has been taking quiet breaks on my garden swing. I will brew a cup of tea, grab a book and some peanuts to feed to the squirrels. There are three squirrels who now recognize me and will come close for their peanut. It has been such a delightful experience. When I worked on this letter, I wanted to capture the memories of Spring, Summer, September, Squirrels as well as Symbiosis. Symbiosis can be defined as a mutually beneficially relationship between different people or groups. The tiny delight of watching a squirrel reach for a peanut has blessed me and they sure seem to love it as well.
I drew the design directly on my paper. The paper used for this piece is Fabriano Enhanced Artistico Paper. This paper is becoming my new favourite. The entire design is painted with my Winsor Newton Series 7 Miniature Size 1 brush. The vision of the design was a red letter, yet somehow I chose green. I was going to branch acorns and oak leave around the letter but somehow, flowers and acanthus leaves emerged instead. That is not overly surprising if you are familiar with my work! But the colour palette is a surprise. I guess the Seasonal Letter called for September colours. The squirrel was built up with layers of dry brush watercolour and then a little white gouache was added to the tips of the ears.
The initial is 6cm x 6.5 cm and was a delight to create from start to finish.
Sometimes, no matter what the deadlines are or how quickly the days seem to be zooming by, it is important to take the luxury of slow time to experience the sights and sounds around you. Remember that each project that is in your heart and mind to do, deserves your best attention. I have many demands that pull at me constantly but I know I need to keep that stress and anxiety away while I work. Seasons come and go, and they each have a delight of their own. If you are yearning to take a break with a book, I hope you indulge! If have a whimsical project in your mind that you want to spend time with, I hope you dive in wholeheartedly. Find magic and delight in your work and as you watch the season unfold. Hugs all around. Thank you for your constant support and for taking the time to read the blog.
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