Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Treading Softly


As March seems to race by I notice changes through the studio window each day. Sometimes I am greeted with morning fog, other days there is still bit of frost on the ground and occasionally there is a warmth in the wind which promises Spring will be in bloom. The walk from the house to the studio can be muddy or icy and I am careful of my footsteps. I tread softly asI figure out the pathway.  This season seems to wake up slowly and then surprises me with such joy and life. I have been spending long hours in the studio preparing for classes. Notes need to be written for the new classes that are in the works and artwork is constantly being created.  In person classes are still not a reality for me but I have been continuing to teach small groups, private students, guilds and large classes online. It is working for me and I am happy to continue as well as explore some longer term programs for my students. I tread softly with my students. I have received so many emails from students and friends who are having such difficulty navigating the news and the bombardment of negativity coming their way. Our world has been going through such a difficult time and as we respond with compassion we can get so overwhelmed.  Our work with the pointed pen is delicate and quiet and I am constantly reminded of the need to focus as we work on our projects. For me, the pointed pen, flourishing, drawing and painting  provides a pathway of peace. It is also an outreach as I put pen to paper or flourish an envelope to send to a friend. This tiny act of caring can brighten someone's day and bring a sense of joy, even for a few moments. It's something within our reach, inexpensive, and an outlet for our flourishing, drawing and painting studies. I want to thank all of you for your notes of encouragement through mail and email. Your notes to me have been such a kindness and a blessing. I am so grateful for your kind words and you encourage me to send out notes of my own. Keep treading softly in these delicate days. The thoughts and words that we share can be so powerful. Sending hugs all around. I hope you continue to flourish!!

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