Saturday, February 5, 2022

From Glimmer to Glow

 I wanted to add a quick post to the blog on a bright but cold February afternoon. I taught an intense class yesterday for The Gentle Penman online. We tried an extended single class of 3.5 hours along with an ambitious project called For the Love of Birds. I loved working on the project and trying this teaching approach. It is fun as well as challenging to figure out the best approaches for the online classes and I am learning so much in the process. The project itself was to demonstrate some drawing, inking and painting techniques and I was thrilled to see what students could accomplish.

I could not complete the design in the class time but several people did and I hope they continue to explore the techniques and bring their own vision to the new designs. One of the things that seemed easier to navigate in an online format is having the students in their own homes where they don't compare their work to others. Yes, we miss the energy of the other students in the class, seeing what unique supplies people bring to class and the social interaction that can really add to the experience. But as an introvert in these social settings, my senses could often be overwhelmed and I would find time to take walks outdoors to recalibrate my mind. There can be a pressure on the student to think that they need to be able to absorb content and gain skills at the same rate of the other students. I want to encourage my students and students of any instructor that you are uniquely you!!! You have a vision, voice, instinct and skill set that is yours alone. You hear things your own way, judge things with your own ideas and have a desire to push your skills where you want them to go...or not to go. This journey is for you alone. As we continue to navigate this world that has so much content for us to explore and devour online, I want to encourage you to find the glimmer of joy in each success and even in the  failures along the way. As I was teaching this intense class in this online format, I remembered how different my own experience has been over the years.

I did not have the choices of online classes that are available now. I had images from a book to study, sought out pen pals and mentors, looked for articles to read and if I could find a class that I could attend in person, I would make substantial investments to attend. I failed a lot. But I kept my successful projects and never lost the passion and the peace that the journey was brining to me. Even as I failed at my desk, I was continuing to explore and learn. Always remember, that this is not a race. There is incredible joy to be discovered out of sheer curiosity of a subject. The art work you create as you play and explore would never be created unless you do it. The smallest note that you can write to someone can bring them joy or hope. Whether you design a whole composition or add a rosebud to someone's initial, you have placed your unique signature on the design.  As I continue to work with my students and prepare for new courses I hope you can celebrate the successes and even the failures as your skills begin to shine and glow. Be patient. Honestly, when I see how quickly some people can catch on to these skills I am reminded just how slow I was to learn and catch on. But I have no regrets. I am just grateful to share what helped me learn along the way and then enjoy seeing your unique creations. Happy Saturday dear friends! Enjoy the journey and allow you skills to grow slowly over time. 

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