Sunday, January 2, 2022

Always Anything

 Welcome to 2022! January always surprises me as I linger over  the last couple of days of December. Suddenly a new calendar is opened and a fresh year is upon is. I am not one for making resolutions. That has not worked for me. To be honest, as the new year rolls around, nothing much changes for me here in my little studio. I usually have overhanging goals from the year before that still need to be completed so I continue with my work with very little notice of the change. To me, every day, month and year has possibilities. We can always try anything. Just start where you are, with what you have and see what happens. That philosophy has worked better for me than the pressure of resolutions.  
 As I ended December with the Star of Hope, the word Hope continues to be on my mind. I will continue  to send messages of encouragement through the year. I want to reinforce the possibilities that are waiting for you and build your confidence as you explore the things that bring you joy. Even as you patiently build on your skills don't worry about what seems like a slow pace. You are right where you should be on your journey. Take your time!  

I have a lot of classes on the schedule this year starting with Italian Hand this Sunday. I  look forward to sharing the magic of this amazing script with new students. My 2022 teaching schedule can be emailed to you through if you are interested in what is coming up or in private Zoom sessions. The Enchanted Meadow is my next large class online and will be presented through The Gentle Penman. Registration is currently still open.

There are also a few spots left for my encore presentation of The Flowering Flourish at the Ardington School Online in June. It seems a long way off but I will be busy working on blooming flourishes very soon here! If you have never studied with the Ardington School, be sure to subscribe to their newsletter. Their classes are very small and they have so many wonderful offerings available. I have loved working with this small school and have appreciated their approach for the classes. 
 Please keep in touch dear friends. I am only ever an email away.  I can't wait to share new courses with you, work with you on your flourishing, script lettering, gilding, painting and drawing sweet little meadow creatures. Let's stay joyful as we work and  hang on to Hope in 2022. 

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