Monday, November 2, 2020

Noticing November

 Yesterday our clocks turned back for an hour. I said goodbye to October and welcomed November.

 I am always noticing how different the light looks when  we reach November. It just seems to reflect a bit differently against the trees or the cardinals on the branches. The sounds are different in the garden as well. The blue jays seem to be the loudest voices and every morning I can hear the nuthatches and their quiet little beep of a chirp. Simple delights to notice in my day.

The icicle pansies are still blooming even though they were greeted with snow today.

I have lots going on this month and well into the holiday season. Yesterday, registration opened for my online presentation of The Holiday Festive Flourish that will be hosted through my dear friend Harvest at Acorn Arts online. I am looking forward to sharing it with you and hopefully launch many of you into the peaceful world of offhand flourishing. I will share all I can throughout the two session format.  Flourishing has qualities that are almost meditative and I find it so restorative to work in this gentle way with ink on paper. 

Private sessions for students will continue to be available in the new year.  I am also starting to host small groups online for those of you who have a few friends that you want to study with. I will share more info about that as well in the new year. Guild workshops are also moving to Zoom meetings for the foreseeable future for me. I am happy to talk to your guild about this possibility. 

We are still painting and shipping pens although I seldom have time to post the pens these days. This special little squirrel is on its way to her new owner. If you would like to see our available pens, just send an email to me at and let me know what you are looking for.

I want to thank the people who have been messaging me on Instagram, Facebook or sending email notes and even beautiful snail mail! You have been such a blessing as you share your thoughts and personal journey with me.  I feel so grateful to share my work with you and I hope that you continue to find joy and peace in all of your artistic pursuits. This has been one stressful and anxious year for so many of us. Finding that sanctuary of peace  can be so difficult.

Wherever you are in this world, I am sending hugs your way and encouraging you on your artistic journey. Continue to share the beauty of what you do with others. I believe that even small things make a huge difference in someone's life. You have all been such a blessing to me and I am so grateful to you. 

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