Saturday, January 12, 2019

Welcome January

 Happy 2019 dear friends! I am having a bit of a late start getting my blog updated, but wanted to send out a New Year Greeting.
I do believe that there is a magic in beginnings! I hope your New Year started out well and that you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. I don't feel as if I took much of a holiday break but I love being busy and hard at work. Lots of commissions as well as some big projects are on the horizon and I will keep you updated. My 2019 teaching schedule is available if you email me. I will be visiting lots of Canadian locations this year which is always exciting for me. I have kept most of April and May free from travel so I can work with more private students. If you are interested in talking to me about the possibility of a private course of study, just email me at for details.
I am not really big on New Year's Resolutions but I do like to set goals. One of my thoughts this year is to be more appreciative of the friendships I have cultivated over the years and to be sure to write to people as they cross my mind. I used to do this as a regular practice every Sunday but slowly, other things began to take over my time. This year, I do hope to keep up with my correspondence.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend and hope you find time to relax with  your pen and ink! Big hugs all around.

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