Sunday, September 2, 2018

September Mindfulness

September usually brings changes to routine to so many of our lives. I notice an increased stress level as I begin to scramble to meet all of my deadlines. Suddenly the calendar days seem to go so much faster as the light begins to fade earlier each day. I am working hard to be present in each moment and enjoy the wonders that still surround me in the garden. I try to stop and appreciate how the light looks on the rosebuds. The sounds in the garden are different these days as some birds have already migrated out of the area and the fall birds are back at the feeders. Nuthatches sound decidedly different than the robins. I slow down and enjoy the sounds they bring to the garden.

This summer has been different. We have been dealing with some health issues in my family and as those cares weigh on my mind, it has been difficult to stay focused on my scheduled tasks. I am more aware of the meditative and peaceful qualities of drawing, painting and writing. I am so grateful that I can always retreat to the quiet of my studio and breathe, and work. This small illumination reflects my thoughts of this summer in the garden, the peace of the studio and the beauty of the garden around me. It is based on a 14th century French Illuminated manuscript. Although I prefer to do all original work, there was a joy in trying to figure out just what the original artist was trying to depict in the mansucript and changing it to suit me. 
The last photo on the blog is a rose from my Mom and Dad's garden. They have far better success with their roses and while they were away, I had the pleasure of looking after their flowers!
No matter what changes come to your routine this month or what stresses you are juggling, try to take solace in nature even if it is just for a few moments. I find the practice to be so restorative and peaceful. Looking foward to sharing some progress on projects that I have been working on in upcoming blog posts. I have a few more workshops to teach this fall and I am still tutoring private students online. I will be restructuring my online approach in the new year as several people have been asking for more long term lesson plans. We will see what happens. In the meantine, be mindful of this beautiful month and the beauty it can bring as the season begins to change. 

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