Friday, June 1, 2018

Surface Thoughts

June rushed in with a blaze of heat and blossoms. The leaves on the trees are bright green and there is new growth everywhere around me. I love these days. While I hear so many complaints about heat and humidity, I cherish every warm minute as a blessing. I am more productive in these sunny days and wake up happy each morning to the sounds of the robins and cardinals.

I have been busy testing numerous watercolour papers. My friend Gretchen gave me a variety of papers to test and I found some that I love. I have been enjoying working on the Stonehenge Aqua 140 LB Hot Press paper for Enchanted Meadow pieces as well as watercolour studies and coloured pencil botanicals. Seems a good surface, although I wish the colour of the paper was just a bit brighter. One paper that Gretchen gave me to test was Lana Lanaquerelle 140 lb Hot Press paper. I also found that I really enjoyed this paper. A beautiful bright white, takes ink, watercolour and gilding beautifully. I still need to test it with coloured pencil, but this seems like a wonderful paper. So glad to have tried it.  Thank you Gretchen!!! I have also added Canson Moulin Du Roy 140 lb Hot Press  to my favourites for all of my techniques. I think these three papers will meet all of my needs for future projects. Of course, I still keep vellum nearby for my most precious projects and Strathmore Bristol Vellum Surface paper for the times when a client needs a less expensive alternative. Good to know there are choices available in papers. The photo is a a grouping of some of my various tests I did to see how different techniques performed on different papers.  Still so much to learn and study. I am grateful for each hour I am able to spend with these various art forms. 
 On the desk this past month were some preparations for my upcoming Victorian Pen workshop. The Victorian Pen class incorporates offhand flourishing as well as more drawn/pen rendered flourishes that incorporate pencil work. Some of my private students have requested this as an option for their studies with me and I am enjoying working individually with them. 

I am also catching up on pen orders and able to have stock ready as time allows me to paint and dye pens. The best way to obtain a Held Pen these days is at one of my classes or by emailing me at to see what is available. I let the season influence me as I create new designs for pens. 

Whatever this month brings to you, I hope you can find some time to walk along a quiet stream and listen to the sounds of the birds. Let nature charm and intrigue you as this season surrounds you. Cherish these days.

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