Sunday, June 11, 2017

Across the Miles

 Just finished a private tutorial session with a student across the miles. It was a delight to meet her this way and answer her quesitons personally as well as let her shape the lessons we chose to explore. It was inspiring to see how many notes she had taken and her practice work! What a delight. This morning she wanted to learn more about applying colour to a flourish and flourishing around corners.
 She also wanted to see the difference between a pastel background burnish and a watercolour wash as a background effect. I was happy to share my techniques with such a dedicated student. Later today I will package all of the material we have studied together over the past few weeks and ship them off to her for her reference.  I admit that I am not a huge fan of technology but I am grateful that it allows for this type of connection with a student that I was unlikely to meet in person. Enjoy this Sunday. Here in Canada, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the gardens are blooming.

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