Friday, December 1, 2023
May your days be Merry and Bright
Waking up very early this morning with my mind overflowing with tasks that need to be completed. No matter how busy the season gets for me it is always a joy to work with pen, ink, gold and paint. I feel blessed to face the tasks in front of me and so grateful for all of your encouragement, kind words and support. Thank you for being such a blessing to me this year. We have worked hard together. Many of you have attended numerous classes with me and you have kept me busy as I watched your work grow and evolve over time. It is an honour to accompany you on your journey. It helps me grow as an artist and an instructor and it means so much to me as I watch your own styles emerge on the paper. I couldn't be more proud of you and know that 2024 will bring more joy in the journey.
My 2024 teaching schedule is robust and filled with new classes, some encore presentations of letter design classes, as well as script hands to enjoy. Flourishing club will resume and I will host some Zoom study schools where we can work together on some illumination skills. So lots to anticipate and so much for me to prepare for. But I am determined to enjoy the passing days of December. I love the sights and sounds of this season even though I am not a fan of snow and winter. I do love the warmth of the lights in the window displays and the thought of sending and receiving cards in the mail. Taking time to pause and prepare a card and a note for a friend is part of the joy of this season for me. Thank you dear friends, students and readers of this blog to be part of the joy of the season. It is difficult for me to put into words just how much of a blessing you are to me. I am not quite finished wrapping up my teaching for the season. Still the Festive Squirrel class to complete, December's Flourishing Club and my private students to receive their December lessons. I will post my 2024 schedule on my website soon, but you can always email me to get a pdf copy of the upcoming classes. I will catch my breath as December wraps up but I am only ever an email away if you want to reach out. The flourishes on this blog post are from the White Christmas class that wrapped up last week. No matter how many times I flourish a festive style design, I find a new pathway, a new idea and a new appreciation for the craft.
All of us, no matter how far along we are in our journey are keepers of this craft and part of this calligraphic collective. We are colleagues together. My hope is that we will continue and to explore this art form together and find the joy and peace that it can bring us. I am constantly aware that I stand on the shoulders of those who have invested in me, mentored me, shared their skills with me and encouraged me to teach. I am forever grateful to my first teacher Michael Sull, who helped me to find my voice and my path as a teacher. Brian Walker who passed away in 2018 helped me hone my skills and gave me eyes to see. Bob Hurford was my first penpal and encouraged me to flourish. He saw potential where I only saw failure in my work. And Dr. Joseph Vitolo was the patient voice who answered all of my questions in the beginning and put the right ink, paper and pen points within my reach.
My ideas, thoughts, skills and designs have evolved over time and are what I share with my students now. But I never forget the pathway that I took and those who helped to bring me to this point. Feeling so thoughtful this morning as I reflect on the teachings of my mentors and continue to work here at this desk, in a career path that I could never have envisioned so many years ago. One step at a time dear friends. May you Flourish! And always remember that you are right where you should be in your artistic journey. Your pace is your own and no one can dictate that to you. Happy December.