My travel time to Europe was amazing. I loved the sights and sounds of Rome and London. I feel like part of my heart stayed there.

I was able to visit the V&A museum in London to view the Beatrix Potter exhibit. What a delight to see her original work and to see the actual pencil lines she placed on the paper. Her ink lines were also so delicate but lively at the same time. What a treat to see true mastery.

Here at home, I will be working through the winter. I am designing my Christmas card at the moment while also putting final touches on a new workshop I will be releasing to IAMETH in 2020. Although this time of year is generally a bit slower for me as I don't need to travel, my daily planner is overflowing with private students and deadlines to hit for commission work as well as some personal goals. I am trying not to let the peace of my studio lull me to sleep! Wishing you all a beautiful November and hoping that you can find peace and solitude in your surroundings as you work on whatever projects bring you delight.